
Information on routes from central Tokyo and the free shuttle bus from the nearest station.

If you are coming by train (approximately 75 minutes from the city center)

If you are coming from "Honoda Station" on JR Sotobo Line:
20 minutes by free shuttle bus from the south exit.
  • ◆ The bus will depart on schedule, but there may be delays due to road congestion, etc.
  • ◆ If there are 10 or more passengers, please be sure to make a reservation. (TEL.0475-35-3333)
  • ◆ Please inform the driver when you board the bus if you are using Resol Clinic or an apartment.

If you are coming by car (approximately 75 minutes from the city center)

If using the Higashi-Kanto Expressway and Keiyo Road:
Approximately 5 minutes from the "Itakura IC" on Prefectural Route 67.
If using Ken-O Expressway from Tokyo Bay Aqua-line:
Approximately 5 minutes from "Mobara Nagara Smart IC".