Shojiro Goto is a renowned figure of the late Edo and Meiji periods. Hotel Resol Kawaramachi Sanjo now stands on the site of the former wholesale store of the long-established soy sauce merchant "Tsuboya" which served as his regular lodging in Kyoto.
The Shojiro Goto Temporary Residence Gallery serves as a place to convey to the people of today the history that has been accumulated here and his footsteps in that tumultuous era.
Come and experience the footsteps of historical figures in Kyoto, a city with more than 1,000 years of history.
Shojiro Goto was born in 1838 in the castle town of Kochi.
He studied alongside notable figures like Taisuke Itagaki and Yataro Iwasaki at the Tsuruta Juku established by Toyo Yoshida.
He was also acquainted with Ryoma Sakamoto and emerged as a prominent figure of the late Edo period, playing a significant role in the restoration of political power to the Emperor, a pivotal event known as the Taisei Hokan.
Following the Meiji Restoration, he achieved considerable success as both a politician and businessman, earning praise from Yukichi Fukuzawa as "an extraordinarily bold and outstanding individual, the only one under the heavens," and contributing to the foundation of modern Japan.
The gallery features dioramas recreating the streetscape of the late Edo period, as well as exhibits such as a replica of the ceremonial sword presented to Shojiro Goto by the Queen of England, his handwritten letters, and Chinese poetry.
It also displays a variety of items that capture the poetic essence of the era, including a reproduction of the "White Elephant" painting by late Edo period artist Zaichu Hara, and replicas of the photo shooting platforms seen in images of Shojiro Goto and Ryoma Sakamoto.